For information on each of our current locations, please see below.
The Harbor – Residential Assessment & Treatment Center
300 Frelinghuysen Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07114

The Harbor is a 149 bed comprehensive Assessment Center, providing housing and treatment to New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) male incarcerated persons in a safe and secure environment. NJDOC residents who have met their treatment goals are referred to appropriate work release programs throughout New Jersey, based upon the decisions of the NJDOC Classification Committee.
Tully House – Residential Community Reintegration Program (Correctional Treatment and Work Release)
28 Peerless Place
Newark, New Jersey 07114

Tully House provides residential treatment and work release services to 144 male New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) incarcerated persons in a safe and secure environment within the community. The program at Tully House focuses on substance use disorder treatment, including intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment, life skills training, and work release. Residents are referred to the Tully House program by the NJDOC Classification Committee.
Education & Health Centers of America, Inc. - Corporate Office
3350 State Route 138
Building 2, Suite 222
Wall Township, NJ 07719

Corporate executive staff, the Incarcerated Veterans Initiative (IVI) team, and Veteran Resource Program (VRP) staff, work out of the corporate office. The corporate office handles operations, compliance, human resources, and financial management matters, while IVI and VRP staff connect veterans with an array of services, including, but not limited to: housing assistance, employment opportunities, education and vocational training opportunities, health care linkages and medication, discharge status upgrades, service documents, and VA benefits.
COMING SOON: Veteran Resource Program Office
Check back soon for more details on Education & Health Centers of America, Inc. (EHCA) new Veteran Resource Program office location and program-specific contact information.